Saturday, January 7, 2012

7/366 - Not Sure If Should Continue

I'm not getting any feedback, plus... Casey is pretty much dead to me right now. I don't feel like keeping up the persona. Guess I have to for just a WEEE bit longer. I just don't feel like writing about it. There's so much work to be done!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5/366 - Turning On My Light

So... I've been a daoist since I was about... 14 years old. Traditionally in daoism you're told to dim your light, hide your jade and all that fun stuff. So... That's what I did my best to do. Turns out that my dimmed light is brighter than most people trying to shine. There's really no reason to try to shine. We're all bodies of light and... once you're able to see that everyone shines (even the dark ones, they shine with dark light. :) ) Here's a quick photo I took of me shining (it's WAY cooler when I'm walking through the hood with no coat on staring everyone down. TRUST!):

Seriously. No one on the planet has swagger like me. You'll see. I'm from outer space. Another race. Already in first place.

What I picked up today was a pair of T.I.'s shoes (what!? You didn't know TI had a shoe?) and this fly embroidered white shirt. BLACK + WHITE = GREY

I'm in first place daoist style.

Chapter 8:

The best are like water
bringing help to all
without competing
choosing what others avoid
hence approaching the Tao
dwelling with earth
thinking with depth
helping with kindness
speaking with truth
governing with peace
working with skill
moving with time
and because they don't compete
they aren't maligned

There is no competition. The only competition that exists is an inner battle with yourself. Once you merge the multiple personalities you have and your inner and outer universe you're #1.

Stop competing and you win the game.

FUCK! I just lost. :(

Since I've already lost, I'd like to point out that I really like this video and song with 50 Cent and The Game:

"Hate it or love it the underdog's on top
And I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stop"

FUCK! 50 Cent is a Daoist too! I wonder who is teacher is. Probably the same ONE as "me"...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4/366 - GO TO SLEEP

I only slept for an hour last night. Had energy ALL DAY! Got a little sleepy near the end of the day. Then I ate 4 oranges and a pear. It was delicious, but turned out being a bad move because I ended up running home to get the toilet from the bus stop (fruit ran straight through me!)

I was manic today. I bought the crew lunch $70 some dollars then I did a $14 dollar tip. Bought some new kicks (Black and White Addidas joints to match my Black Horse Shit and Addidas pants) $32 and I got a haircut/shave in the mall (I feel like I slept through that... I'm not sure).

You know those Chinese that do the massages at Mayfair? I'm going to tell them to open a shop in the Grand Avenue. If it happens, you know who did it.

Today was the first day I worked for I'm operating the Twitter and doing some stuff with Craig's list.

I was suppose to be focusing on Black Horse Tai Chi all day today, but I only dedicated like an hour because... I wasn't being very good at being focused. I'll do better next Wednesday. My TASKMASTER for Black Horse Tai Chi said the message I sent them was good. I also talked to someone about filming a tai chi VS kick boxing video and they were excited about it. I'm going to do a bunch of tai chi vs videos (Muay tai, Judo, karate, etc.) Will be F.R.E.S.H.

I had 4 beers today. I'm not suppose to be drinking beers. I'm going to stop for a while. Google "Go to sleep" and this came up:

Eminem seems a little angry in this song. I wonder it was for. NOT ME! I got no beef with M&Ms. I love their Chocolate centers. I like the ones with peanuts too!

Wait... DMX!!!! I LOVE HIM! He's SUPER bipolar! lol He's one of my heros. What does DMX stand for? I never thought about that... Domes Melt Xylophones.


Fucking mother fuckers...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3/366 - I've Been Traveling On This Road Too Long, Just Trying To Find My Way Back Home

I just moved back into my bedroom from when I was in high school and it... FEELSGOODMAN!

I'll let the videos do the talking today:

TI Singing About It:

The old me's dead and gone...

Can't wait til he comes back! :D

Monday, January 2, 2012

2/366 - Routine Is HELLA-Important

I just sent this email to some friends who are watching over me:

Subject: 7.5 Hours

Slept like a baby.

If I make my body tired I'll have no problem sleeping. I'm going to get a membership here:

Daily schedule =
6:30 wake up/eat breakfast
7:15-7:30 get pick up by Deframe
Eat lunch 11:00-1:00
5:30-630 get dropped off by the frame + work for Siide for 2 hours + eat dinner
8:00-9:00/9:00-10:00 bust hump at planet fitness
10:00/11:00 shower, shave, sleep

Looking at this schedule now it seems a little flawed and cramped but I will continue to adjust and modify it.

I think I'm going to ask Deframe to work out with me at Planet Fitness.

Tuesdays the Planet Fitness work out will be replaced with Tai Chi.

I believe I only get Sunday's off from working with Deframe. I'll use that day to really collect my thoughts. Perhaps I should only attempt to Blog Weekly instead of daily on

I will continue to shoot for daily.

Most important thing is that I wear out my body enough each day to get an adequate amount of sleep.



And before routine you need to have a CENTER. You bedroom/house should be your CENTER. Eventually your CENTER is within you and you always have it. Until then it's important to cultivate it in an environment which is treated with SAMURAI like precision. Know where everything is at all times. Put things back where they came from.

Time for me to eat oatmeal. I'm really liking this song (it's remixed). A friend (my teacher actually...) posted it on Facebook:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1/366 - Drive Slow

Close friends of mine are telling me to "slow down" and not take on too many projects. It's probably a good idea given my financial situation. Wait... I think I want to introduce myself in this first post, we'll get back to driving slow.

Hi. I'm Casey.

So... I've operated online as miltownkid for... a long time. 5 years on YouTube and maybe 10 in total on various forums and websites. Who is Casey (Abbott Payne)? Good question. There's a decent description of "me" on the About Page of the website, but lets get more raw and go deeper. That about me is designed to create the "individual" I want to be, not to describe who I was.

I think something that is key for Casey is being biracial and being around both environments enough to understand them with some fluency. I was raised by my White mother (in the "hood") and had frequent visits with dad.

Hmmm... Not sure where I want to go with all of that right now. I'll wait until I start getting comments to... "stay focused." Lets go back to driving slow, what I did today and my goals.

Drive Slow

So my friends are telling me to "slow down." A large part of me thinks I need to connect with some people that move at a faster pace but... for now even I think moving slow is a good idea. I posted Kanye's "Drive Slow" video as a theme for slowing down:

I was happy that my tai chi teacher countered with this video titling it KC - Coming up (instead of AZ):

That made me feel good. I feel like a lot of things I've been dreaming about for a long time are becoming a reality. I'll get into those more in the future.

What I Did Today

What did I do today... Oh! Bedroom is at 100% organization and cleanliness. That's pretty fucking boss. Going to keep this way too (calling it Samurai Mode). Watched a little bit of a kung fu flick, watched a little "Training Day." Eventually got a message from a friend's niece who is 9 asking if I would come over! Crazy that a 9 year old can rock Facebook like that. As "sharp" as I am, this next generation is going to be sharper! I better stick to being a master of Tai Chi, there aren't shortcuts with that. :)

Started working on this blog post afterwards.


This is probably going to be the most important feature of this blog. Daily (or so) goals. Here they are Pwning Life style.

I am in a committed relationship with a woman who is supportive of my style of life.
I save $1,000/month.
I teach tai chi once a week.
I have made one of my projects profitable.
I make $2,500/month after taxes and other fees.
I have a Black Ford Fiesta.
The MilTownKlan has 36 dedicated members.
I maintain my samurai existence.
I maintain an empty mind.
I maintain stability and clarity of mind (aka no problems with my "bipolar"/OCD situation.)

Alright, that wraps of this first post.